Andrea from The Train To Crazy and Go To Patterns (affiliate link) just released a knit fabric pattern for Women called The Casual Lady (affiliate link). It’s a pattern for both a top and a dress and the proceeds will support the She’s Worth It campaign.
In Andrea’s words: this pattern was designed especially to raise funds and awareness for global sex trafficking victims. Proceeds from this pattern will fund a Sewing Collective in India for single mothers escaping the sex trade industry as well as a safe house for children in Cambodia at risk of being trafficked. We hope you enjoy and share so we are able to fully fund our projects. We are hoping to raise $15000.
Since it is for a good cause and the top looks really cute, I decided to buy the pattern and try sewing one up for myself. I’ve been sewing so much for Bean lately, that I forgot how nice it can be to have something sewn specifically for me.
The pattern is super easy. I cut the pieces out during one of Bean’s naps (along with getting a few other household items done) and that probably took the longest amount of time of any part of the pattern. The fabric I used insisted on curling up at the ends which made it a pain to arrange the pattern pieces.
The actual sewing was a breeze. No sleeves nor collar to worry about. I used my serger which was helpful with the curling edges of my knit, but you could easily use a stretch stitch on a regular machine.
I was too lazy to measure myself so I just decided to cut out an XL and see how it fit. I was mostly looking for the length to be appropriate for bending over with Bean in public. It seems like most of the time these days I’m pulling my shirt down or my pants up to try to get the right coverage for the calisthenics I do when trying to wrangle Bean.
I think the XL is a little big on the shoulder and neck area for me, but the rest of the fit is great. Next time I make one I’ll use the L sizing on the top and taper to the XL on the bottom.
This picture cracked me up because my face looks like I’m looking fondly at something. I wonder what it could be?
Yeah, it was a twig hehe.
Now, I don’t have my sister’s butt, but (hehe) I thought I should post a picture of the back so you could see what nice coverage the pattern has back there. I wore this shirt to playgroup today and I can happily say that I didn’t tug at anything except Bean’s hand the entire time.
And just how casual do you feel when wearing it? Well I guess that depends on what fabric you use, but I can tell you mine is super comfy. I mean, I didn’t even bother putting on real shoes to take these pictures hehe.
So if you want to support a great cause, go grab the Casual Lady Top/Dress (affiliate link) pattern. I personally bought the pattern and don’t get any affiliate credit from its sales, I just think the cause is more than worth the cost of a new shirt.
In other Go To news, if you sign up for the Go To Patterns Newsletter (affiliate link) Andrea is giving away a free pattern (The Simply Lovely Dress) which I’m excited about trying out for summer.
I have recently added affiliate links for Blank Slate Patterns and Go To Patterns on my sidebar as well as in some of the links in this post, but I sewed using their patterns long before even considering it. These are just great patterns that I truly stand by and I am excited about being an affiliate.
Also, I finally signed up at bloglovin. Not sure if I’m going to like it yet, but I thought I’d give it a whirl hehe.
This is wicked cute! What a great staple piece! And your slippers! ๐ Love!
Love it! Must have been a cute twig =) Thank you so much for sharing!!
Nice job – love the color!
I like the pink! Being able to toddler wrangle while remaining covered is one of my primary goals when picking out clothes, this top looks like a winner!
OMG you're wearing JEANS! In the first picture, I was like "yep, that's my Amish sister, with the long denim skirt" or is that Quaker? But then you put on the JEANS! This also explains why people have been visiting from your blog. I knew it wasn't anything inspiring I might have said in a comment!
And that "fond" look isn't what I think of when I see you do that. That's your thinking look. Your "hmmm, now how can I make that work" look.
Looks great! I think I used the exact same fabric for my top (blog post scheduled for next week).
Looks great, Ajaire! Love the story behind the pattern, and I love the shape. I just signed up at bloglovin as well…still need to add 90% of the blogs I read (I was in denial about how many I like to keep up with, oops). So far, I like the idea that I can put them into categories!